Re: double raid 1 & filesystem
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 08:22:40AM -0700, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> > I need more fast-HD space for computational work. I wonder whether by
> > adding a second SATA raid1 (a couple of new disks) to the existing SATA
> > raid1, my home could be spread on the two raid1 systems, as if it were a
> > single disk (or filesystem, if you want).
If you use software mirroring, you can do it all (I did it few weeks ago - I
added another two 250GB disks to mirror of two 250GB disks, I now have 500GB
RAID10). If you use hardware mirroring (if it's not real hardware mirror,
switch to software mirror! see, if
highly depends on what your RAID card(s) can do, or you can simply create
software stripe of two HW mirrors,
On 20.07.07 08:18, Alex Samad wrote:
> Also raid 10 - will give you benefits of striping and mirroring, 1 hard
> drive can fail and the other mirror will keep functioning.
RAID10 (shortcut from raid1+0) is strip of mirrors, you maybe thought "the
other _in_ mirror..."
(raid0+1, aka mirror of stripes, is also possible, but has much higher
probability of failing, when two disks fail)
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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