Re: PC with vhosts and with 1 public IP
> Stefan Weber wrote:
> > i have a pc with a public ip-address on eth0. i like to build some
> > virtual hosts for proftp at this pc. I think that i need a public ip for
> > every vhost. but my subnet is not largely enough. have somebody an idea?
On 19.07.07 19:30, Giorgos Pallas wrote:
> Why don't you use the same public ip but different listening ports for
> every proftpd server?
I'm afraid this is the only way how to do it, but note that you (or your
users) may have problems with their firewalls - FTP uses different port for
data transfers than for the control connection, and firewalls' connection
tracking and NAT modules may not to detect FTP on different porte than 21.
Maybe you could get another subnet, routed to your machine, where you'd have
the virtual hosts.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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