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Re: Python init

On 8/21/07, Douglas A. Tutty <dtutty@porchlight.ca> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 07:11:57PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> >     Not that all of the libraries need to be moved into the root partition
> > for it to function as a stable init platform.  Outside of sys (which is
> > compiled in), os, re, shutil, time and datetime I can't think of anything
> > that is needed for scripts running at init time.  Certainly not many of the
> > extended Python libraries like a minimal web server, a whole suite for
> > handling email and MIME, TK/TCL bindings and so on.  A very rough check and
> > I think 2.5Mb would be sufficient to serve as an init platform and natively
> > cover more than 80-90% of any operation an init script would need.  So that
> > increase of 10-20% at 10Mb is more like 3-5%, if that.
> Neat.  Anyone have a testbed to try it on?  I mean, move the minimal
> python stuff to /bin and /lib and remove it from /usr, verify that it
> runs, then try replacing some initscripts?  I'm all out of spare boxes
> right now.
> Taken to the nth degree, it could totally change how the initscripts
> work.  Instead of separate scripts in /etc/init.d run one at a time by
> run-parts, they could be individual modules (and hense optimized), run
> by a new /etc/init.d/rc python script.  This would start off by
> importing each module then running its main function.  This would
> totally do away with the process overhead of the sysVinit system while
> maintaining support for run levels.
> However, since unixes are in part differentiated in how they handle init
> scripts, replacing sysVinit with PythonInit would be a huge deal.  At a
> minimum, it would require a new update-rc.d command so that packages
> would be setup correctly.  Update-rc.d would also have to detect if a
> package included an sh startup script and setup the PythonInit to
> os.system the script instead of loading it as a module.
> Doug.

the pardus distro has already replaced sysvinit with their own python
based system.

particularly relevant:

Noah Dain
"The beatings will continue, until morale improves" - the Management

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