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Re: latest udev (0.114-2) problem

Wayne Topa wrote:
Mathias Brodala(info@noctus.net) is reported to have said:
Hi Wayne.

Wayne Topa, 23.08.2007 18:21:
I have an Athlon k7 box, running testing, as my gateway. Due to a new
system install, I had not upgraded in a few weeks.  On the 21st I
decided that it was time and did the upgrade overnight.  This morning
I rebooted the box to upgrade my sid partition and when I rebooted
testing, I had lost my my localnet connections.

Dmesg shows that the new udev package had decided to change eth0 to
eth1, for some reason.  To use the localnet, I changed eth0 to eth1 in
/etc/network/interfaces, restarted networking and killed the firewall.
My localnet was back.  I then rebooted and found that udev had now
changed the interface to eth3.  This will be a PITA to users that don't
run their boxes 24/7.

Correction:  udev stopped at eth2 NOT eth3.  (I mistyped yet again) On a reboot
it came up again as eth2. So it is not as bad as I first thought.
This definitely doesn't sound like udev were working correctly. Is there a
/etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules file? This one should contain the
mapping of the ethernet devices based on their MAC address. Manual reordering
should be done here, the file usually never ever gets touched after initial

Yes there is.  I've had problems with udev on systems that I was
trying out various interface cards (usb, pcmcia) on, so thats the first
file I checked.  It is ignoring the, original, eth0 stansa that it was
not having a problem with and adding new eth interfaces.

Here it is, currently.
# PCI device 10ec:8139 (8139too)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVER=="?*", SYSFS{address}=="00:48:54:d1:35:1c", NAME="eth0"

# USB device 2001:3c00 (rt2500usb)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="00:11:95:e6:19:12", ATTRS{type}=="1", NAME="wlan0"

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8139 (8139too)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:48:54:d1:35:1c", NAME="eth1"

# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8139 (8139too)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:48:54:d1:35:1c", NAME="eth2"

Prior to this udev version if I removed all the non existant
interfaces from the /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules file,
it would work as expected.  Something changed in this version as that
no longer works.

I found a fix (?) with a google search but I can't try it until I
finish downloading a new kernel.  It was on an Ubuntu Forum so just in
case I'll list it here.  Not Tested Yet so take it with a grain of

----- Possible Fix ------------------
Create/Edit a file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules with the following content Code:

KERNEL="eth*", SYSFS{address}=="00:10:5a:33:44:55" NAME="eth0"
KERNEL="eth*", SYSFS{address}=="00:0c:44:55:66:77" NAME="eth1"

Just change the mac addresses to your own values from ifconfig.


Thanks for the reply!



It looks as though udev is now detecting the card differently as the PCI device now has a '0x' before 8139 so effectively the mapping for eth0 is for a non existent card. I would try deleting all the eth* entries and restart.



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