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Re: Iceweasel not a fully supported browser for Gmail?

On 8/21/07, Sergio Cuéllar Valdés <herrsergio@gmail.com> wrote:
2007/8/21, Bernard <bernard.fay@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> It seems now that gmail does not consider Iceweasel as a fully
> supported browser?
> Does someone know something about it and how it could be fixed?


why ?  I use Iceweasel and I dont have problems with Gmail, neither
with the other Google Labs Applications.

Best regards,
Sergio Cuellar

"Meine Hoffnung soll mich leiten
Durch die Tage ohne Dich
Und die Liebe soll mich tragen
Wenn der Schmerz die Hoffnung bricht"

I am not sure if I would attribute it to Iceweasel. I have come across issues when I access Gmail or any of the other google accounts (except google.com) not just using Iceweasel, but with other browsers as well. At the same time if I try it from another computer running on windows it just works fine. I am not sure what the problem is and not got time to dig into it.
Bipin Babu
Debian GNU/Linux - Lenny - Gnome

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