Re: etch installation probs (CD?)
On Mon July 30 2007 07:10, michael wrote:
> Folks, I've a new machine with a "writemaster" CDROM drive. When trying
> to install Debian 4.0 from iso image burnt to CD, it initially
> recognises the CD and starts the installation but fails at the screen
> where the CD drive is to be recognised (for continuing the
> installation). I've tried various module/device combos but all to no
> avail. I've looked about on Google but not come up with a working
> solution.
> Has anybody else successfully uses this CDROM drive to install Debian,
> or have suggestions on how I can determine a working module/device
> combo. Please let me know if you need any further information.
I've installed etch amd64 and i386 successfully many times. I'm not sure what
the problem is but you might be able to use the daily install from testing to
get going. You can get the it from here..
If you get the businesscard iso and boot it in expert mode it will prompt you
if you want to install stable, testing or unstable. I would try to install
stable and if your successful run "apt-cdrom add" for your cd or dvd images
after you boot and install whatever else you want.
That image contains nothing but the installer, you need to have an active
network connection to install with it.
Good luck.. :)
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