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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

David Fox wrote:
I'm browsing howto's at the moment and attempting to get the nvidia drivers (the non-free ones) the "debian" way.

There doesn't seem to be an avalable version of nvidia-kernel-source for my particular kernel (I was running 2.6.18-4-k7, but I just upgraded to 2.6.21-2-k7
a few moments ago. I'm using http://home.comcast.net/~andrex/Debian-nVidia/, and  http://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers as reference documents.

There is also no nvidia-glx in testing. There has been some discussion on the list recently regarding some updates to X.org video drivers, which have unfortunately caused my existing nvidia setup to no longer work, so currently I am using the "nv" driver. From the instructions it would seem my current card (Geforce FX 5200) should be supported by the "non-legacy" or regular driver.

According to the testing status page (http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=nvidia-glx) it would seem that testing is waiting for the newer driver package, which seems to be ATM availalbe in sid/unstable.

Question - is it "safe" to retry the nvidia driver at this point? Last I tried, I ended up with a fairly unusable system and had to renstall most of X and go back to using the nv driver.

If that is doable, I figure it would be better to do this the "debian way" and although I posted about this before, I probably would want to go ahead and add unstable sources to my sources.list and install that way.

Or, I could wait until these are available in testing, but I don't have a clue low long that would take. (In a previous thread, it was opined that it would only take a few days or so.)



Yes, the current kernel will not let you compile the module for the nvidia drivers.  There is a patched driver out that you can use that will work that gets around this problem: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?p=88132#88132

This is what happens when you try to run the official nvidia driver script: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=432746


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