Hello folks. Recently i've discovered very interesting thing with my usb flash and now i want to discover is this a common problem or this is only my problem. I have a typical Pretec i-Disk BulletProof 1GB, USB 2.0 flash with VFAT partition on it. But i have found it quite slow both on windows and linux (Kubuntu 7.04). For example on Linux i can't even unmount it for about a minute or two after massive read/write operations. After some analysis i've found that the source of the problem is a CFQ - default Linux I/O scheduler (i'am using 2.6.20-16-generic). Here is a results of my postmark tests: root@galileo:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler noop anticipatory deadline [cfq] root@galileo:/media/vfat# postmark PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01 pm>set size 500 500000 pm>set subdirectories 1000 pm>run Creating subdirectories...Done Creating files...Done Performing transactions..........Done Deleting files...Done Deleting subdirectories...Done Time: 351 seconds total 160 seconds of transactions (3 per second) Files: 757 created (2 per second) Creation alone: 500 files (55 per second) Mixed with transactions: 257 files (1 per second) 257 read (1 per second) 243 appended (1 per second) 757 deleted (2 per second) Deletion alone: 514 files (2 per second) Mixed with transactions: 243 files (1 per second) Data: 69.80 megabytes read (203.62 kilobytes per second) 208.94 megabytes written (609.56 kilobytes per second) pm>exit root@galileo:/media/vfat# echo noop > /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler root@galileo:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler [noop] anticipatory deadline cfq root@galileo:/media/vfat# postmark PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01 pm>set size 500 500000 pm>set subdirectories 1000 pm>run Creating subdirectories...Done Creating files...Done Performing transactions..........Done Deleting files...Done Deleting subdirectories...Done Time: 147 seconds total 1 seconds of transactions (500 per second) Files: 757 created (5 per second) Creation alone: 500 files (3 per second) Mixed with transactions: 257 files (257 per second) 257 read (257 per second) 243 appended (243 per second) 757 deleted (5 per second) Deletion alone: 514 files (514 per second) Mixed with transactions: 243 files (243 per second) Data: 69.80 megabytes read (486.20 kilobytes per second) 208.94 megabytes written (1.42 megabytes per second) pm>exit root@galileo:/media/vfat# echo deadline > /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler root@galileo:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq root@galileo:/media/vfat# postmark PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01 pm>set size 500 500000 pm>set subdirectories 1000 pm>run Creating subdirectories...Done Creating files...Done Performing transactions..........Done Deleting files...Done Deleting subdirectories...Done Time: 279 seconds total 250 seconds of transactions (2 per second) Files: 757 created (2 per second) Creation alone: 500 files (17 per second) Mixed with transactions: 257 files (1 per second) 257 read (1 per second) 243 appended (0 per second) 757 deleted (2 per second) Deletion alone: 514 files (514 per second) Mixed with transactions: 243 files (0 per second) Data: 69.80 megabytes read (256.17 kilobytes per second) 208.94 megabytes written (766.86 kilobytes per second) pm>exit root@galileo:/media/vfat# echo anticipatory > /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler root@galileo:/media/vfat# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler noop [anticipatory] deadline cfq root@galileo:/media/vfat# postmark PostMark v1.51 : 8/14/01 pm>set size 500 500000 pm>set subdirectories 1000 pm>run Creating subdirectories...Done Creating files...Done Performing transactions..........Done Deleting files...Done Deleting subdirectories...Done Time: 266 seconds total 131 seconds of transactions (3 per second) Files: 757 created (2 per second) Creation alone: 500 files (166 per second) Mixed with transactions: 257 files (1 per second) 257 read (1 per second) 243 appended (1 per second) 757 deleted (2 per second) Deletion alone: 514 files (3 per second) Mixed with transactions: 243 files (1 per second) Data: 69.80 megabytes read (268.69 kilobytes per second) 208.94 megabytes written (804.34 kilobytes per second) pm>exit And the winners: 1) NOOP 147 sec 2) Anticipatory 266 sec 3) Deadline 279 sec 4) CFQ 351 sec To repeat this test you have to install postmark: apt-get install postmark Than insert flash drive and cd to it. And run postmark. NOTE: Make sure you have at least 256MB of free space on flash. Make sure you are switching I/O scheduler in a appropriate device (/dev/sdb in my case). The pattern for this /sys/block/yourdevicehere/queue/scheduler Please share your results. -- ================================================================ - Best regards, Nikolay Pavlov. <<<----------------------------- ================================================================
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