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Re: Testing anti spam software


On Jul 23, 6:10 am, Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net> wrote:

> > this.  The biggest issue seems to be in signal handling.  I have been
> > told that certain version of Debian do not respond to the USR and HUP
> > sugnals.
> What do you mean by "Debian" doesn't respond to signals?  A lot of
> software would break if it didn't respond to USR, and people would
> have noticed by now.

The issue is not with debian iteself, but rather my implementation of
signal handling.  My feeling is that in trying to write code for a
large cross-section (debian, BSD, GNU), I missed something that debian
specifically needs to be told for proper signal handling.


DynaStop: Stopping spam one dynamic IP address at a time.

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