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Re: Meta-R key doesn't exist

Antonio Regidor García wrote:
> I don't know if this is a bug, and where to report it, so I tried this list. The problem is that 
> my keyboard map has a Meta-L (or Alt-L, or Alt-Left) key, but not a corresponding Meta-R key, 
> both in X and the console, using Spanish or English keymaps. The key that should be the Meta-R 
> key is mapped in X (according to xkbprint) to "ISO-Level3-Shift". I don't know which key it is 
> mapped to in the console, but certainly it is not Meta-R.
> Is this a feature of Debian or a bug? It happens with other keyboards?

Chances are, that you also don't have a right "Alt" key on your keyboard, but one
labeled "Alt Gr" instead, that is intended for entering non-ascii characters (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AltGr_key). If you don't need any of these (I am not
familiar with the Spanish keyboard layout, but I assume there are some accented
keys on it), you can simple redefine the AltGr key as Meta_R in your X server's
keyboard layout (If you have a newer 105-keys, you can also use on of those "Menu"
or "Windows" keys)

> This problem makes Emacs very difficult to use without remapping the keyboard.

? Emacs shouldn't care about which Alt key you use

                  Peter Daum

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