Re: tetex to live tex
BartlebyScrivener wrote:
> I've seen a few threads where some folks have had trouble installing
> live tex.
> What is the current status of this under Etch?
Etch is stable. So packages under it does not change except for security
upgrade. So there is no question of this transition under Etch. However if
you are running testing, please wait for couple more days till texlive
2007-10 descends into testing and then you can upgrade to it. If you are
running sid, I think most of the bugs that arised when transitioning from
tetex to texlive have been fixed. So mostly you should be fine upgrading
from tetex to texlive. However check the BTS before upgrading.
> Is the recommended procedure to remove tetex first?
> Or can they coexist?
Do not remove any tetex packages by yourself. Let apt take care of the
conflicts. It is better to stick with texlive instead of having both.
> I use Synaptic mainly.
Shouldn't be an issue.
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
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