Re: Media Wiki 1.7 - Set-up / Install Help
Thanks, I used apt-get install mediawiki to do the install and it put it was divided into some strange places.
and I think (not at my machine at the moment)
I will apt-get --purge remove wikimedia and try your approach.
On 7/2/07, Chris Lale <> wrote:
Nick Adie wrote:
> Hi
> I have installed MediaWiki 1.7 from the archive.
> The read me file is very confusing as it talks about a file that does not
> exist and a symbolic link that appears to have no relevence.
> Has anyone experience of the installation/set-up of MediaWiki, and if so
> could I have a few pointers please.
> Regards
> Nick
I would purge the package, download MediaWiki from its website and follow the
install instructions. Make sure that you have installed Apache and MySQL (make a
note of the MySQL root password when you set it up).
Here are some notes I made when installing an earlier version:
untar the file in subdirectory of your home with
$ tar -xvzf mediawiki-*.tar.gz
Upload the MediaWiki files to your server:
# cp -R /path/to/extracted/directory/ /var/www/
Change the name of the mediawiki directory to something simple eg "mediawiki".
# mv /var/www/name-of-copied-directory/ /var/www/mediawiki
Create a MySQL database
* If you know the root password for your MySQL server, skip this step.
Change permissions on "config" folder
//cd into the directory where the mediawiki files are (/var/www/mediawiki). You
will find index.php and the config directory. You need to make the
// "config" directory writable by the web server.
//So you need to change the group of all files to www-data, and give group write
access to the config directory:
# cd /var/www/mediawiki
# chown -R root:www-data *
# chmod -R o-rwx *
# chmod -R g+rw config
//A simpler but very insecure approach is to run the command chmod o+w config.
This means you need to set the permissions of the
// "config" directory to "world writable". This is the same as "chmod 777".
Visit your site and run the Setup script
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