Re: Automated warnings for Debian security updates
On Sun July 1 2007 11:22:40 pm Adam Hupp wrote:
> (Sorry if you see this twice, but I never saw the first copy come
> through)
> Hello,
> I'm announcing a program I've written for notifying the administrator
> about necessary security updates on a Debian box. It's called Debian
> Security Check (
> Often it's not obvious that a security advisory applies to a
> particular system. This is especially tricky with libraries (think
> fast: do any of your services depend on freetype?). It would be nice
> to ignore the flood of advisories that come in from
> debian-security-announce and only pay attention to the ones that
> actually require action on your part.
> compares the set of currently upgradable packages with the
> security advisories RSS feed. Any matches are written to stdout along
> with a description of the issue. When run via cron this will send the
> warning to the administrator on a regular basis until the upgrade is
> done.
> A full description and link to the program is here:
> --
> Adam Hupp |
Nice work, thanks for that. I must look into that.. :)
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