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Re: No Sound After Playing XMMS

Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 11:51:29AM -0600, TW wrote:

After playing music with the XMMS application, I seem to be unable to hear sound after closing the XMMS app and going to watch videos at Google Video (or anywhere else on the web). I've looked over the net and couldn't find the answer to this. The sound is fine, but, after listening to XMMS audio, I have to log out (and back in) in order to hear sound over the internet. The reverse isn't a problem, though, meaning that I can listen to Google Video and then play XMMS without problems. What am I missing? Thanks in advance. ~Telly

esd getting in the way?

How is your XMMS configured? ALSA? Esd?

It was configured with OSS.  ~Telly

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