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import a md5 hash to openldap userpassword


this will probably land on some ldap ldap list but maybe someone knows offhand:

i have a couple of users in a database with the passwords stored as md5 hashes

something like

"alice" "3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f" (foobar in plaintext)

Now i want to import alice into ldap

dn: uid=alice,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
userpassword: {MD5}3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f

which doesn't really work. I found serveral that suggested using a
base64 encoded string

so I tried:

userpassword:: Mzg1OGY2MjIzMGFjM2M5MTVmMzAwYzY2NDMxMmM2M2Y=
userpassword: {MD5}Mzg1OGY2MjIzMGFjM2M5MTVmMzAwYzY2NDMxMmM2M2Y=

all to no avail.

any hints on the right format (I don't have the plaintext passwords
and I'd prefer not to spend time with brute forcing them)


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