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Re: schroot leaving sessions

shame <shane@savetigers.com> writes:

> Did you find a satisfactory solution to this problem?
> I also have the nasty build up of sessions using schroot.
> Using schroot -e --all-sessions does clear out the sessions but I
> can't find a way to automate this.

It's worth mentioning that the latest schroot (in unstable) has a
SESSIONS_RECOVER option.  If you set


then on startup, all existing session will be ended.

However, a session can only be ended when the process inside the
chroot terminates.  If it's kept running, schroot can't end the
session.  This is because it's waiting for it to exit, and it also
can't unmount filesystems and clean up while processes have files open
and CWDs set inside the chroot.  The former isn't allowed, and the
latter could result in catastrophic data loss.

> I also tried using the command in an init-script to run on shutdown
> but this produces an error and doesn't clear the sessions.

This is likely because ending the sessions won't work without killing
all the running processes inside the chroot.  This feature was added
with version 1.1.4 of schroot (/etc/schroot/setup.d/15killprocs).
With a suitable tweak to the init script, it should do what you want.

Regarding the original problem, this change should result in correct
cleanup when daemons are run in the chroot.  To correctly cope with
SIGTERM, SIGINT and so on will require a little additional tweaking.
Once done, this should make things clean up correctly.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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