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Re: [OT] Good, evil and religion [WAS] Re: A way to compile 3rd party modules into deb system?

Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 09:00:39AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> There is great debate as to whether the Hebrew says "kill" or "murder".
>> Since, in the Old Testament, YHWH (the Tetragrammaton, or Name of
>> God) both in Law and for conquest tells the Israelites to kill
>> people, it is logical that the constraint is against "murder"
>> (illegal killing), not generralized "killing".
> Especially considering that the Ten Commandments were given to the
> individual (the KJV uses the "thou" second person pronoun, which is
> plainly targetting the individual).  Additionally, the Mosaic law has
> provisions for killing self-defense, leading to the conclusion that at
> least some killing, under some cricumstances, is sanctioned by God.
> That is also why it is not incompatible to be a Christian and also serve
> in the military or be a police officer.

This is the same reasoning/justification given by Jihadists. If who and
when you can kill is open to interpretation then someone/somewhere/sometime
will justify it in the name of "god"'s command(ment).


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