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Re: Problem with udev rules under etch

On Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 15:11:24 +0000, Andy Hawkins wrote:


> However, I think I've tracked down the problem. I really only wanted to
> create a link called 'zip' to (say) /dev/sda4 (as that's the partition on
> the zip disk that is actually used).
> However, it seems that if I include either 'KERNEL="sd?4"' or
> 'KERNELS="sd?4"' in my rule, it doesn't match. Removing that means I end up
> with
> /dev/zip -> /dev/sda
> /dev/zip4 -> /dev/sda4
> Not ideal, but it works.
> Can anyone suggest how I can match only on the 4th partition of the ZIP
> disk? Here's the output of udevinfo for that partition:

I vaguely remember that I also had problems with the "?" wildcard when I
wanted to create a symlink to partition 1 of my USB harddrive. After
some trial and error I found this udev rule:

# Lacie 120GB external USB harddrive
KERNEL=="sd*1", \
        ATTRS{product}=="Lacie Mobile Drive", \
        ATTRS{serial}=="DFE10181B7F3", \

The two ATTRS tests make sure that it is the correct device and the
KERNEL=="sd*1" specification pins down the partition. That is not really
a pretty solution but it has always worked for me. Maybe you can use a
similar approach.

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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