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Re: to allow root logins or not?

On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 17:18:49 +0300
Linas Žvirblis <0x0007@gmail.com> dijo:

> Hash: SHA1
> Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> > If something happens during boot and you want to boot single, /home
> > isn't mounted and only root is allowed to log in.  If there is no root
> > user, how does this happen?
> This one is a nasty surprise. You will be given a root prompt _without_
> being asked for password. This looks more like a bug, rather than a
> feature, to me.

Happened to me the other day on a new Ubuntu Feisty install. I booted
to "recovery mode" and there I was, at a command line prompt as root.
No login required.

As it turns out, this time it was a good thing. What I needed to fix
was a broken login caused by an overfull hard disk that was set up as
RAID 1. Live CDs couldn't grok the partitions and I was grasping at any
way I could figure out to get access so I could make some room on the
disk. But most of the time this is probably not a good thing. I wonder
if there is a way to change it. On the other hand, the Feisty machine
had the Desktop version of Feisty, not the Server version. Maybe the
server version won't do this. I'm less familiar with Etch, so I don't
know how much of this applies to Etch as well.

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