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Re: Further problems with OOo

Jonathan Kaye wrote:
andy wrote:

My wife, using Etch, was writing a long document in OOo, went to go and
save it as *.doc (for transport to work) and the document crashed. Now
everything except the very earliest save is gone! She is *not* impressed
(so much for my Linux advocacy!).
How can I recover the document - the auto-recovery of OOo only retrieved
the earlier stuff, but all changes she has made over the last few hours
are gone.

Any guides on how I can rescue and resuscitate the document as close to
when it crashed as possible and save my wife's emotional sanity?

A BIG thanks

Hi Andy,
Again, it would be helpful if you indicate which version of OOo you are
using. What was the backup frequency set to in Tools -> Options ->
Load/Save -> "Save Autorecovery every ..... minutes"? That will determine
with what frequency your work is backed up. I don't have much experience
with M$ Word but I suppose it works in much the same way. I'm not sure what
you mean when you say "the document crashed". Do you mean OOo crashed? You
might want to describe what exactly happened because I don't think this is
normal behaviour. My girlfriend is an editor/translator and has used OOo
for several years. She typically gets long and complicated docs that need
to be sent back (with the changes recored) in .doc format. She has never
experienced this kind of problem. You might also post your query to the
comp.openoffice.questions newsgroup. That's probably the best place for the
recovery issue and why OOo crashed on saving as a .doc file.


Thanks for the reply.
Sorry it is OOo-2.0.4. The auto back-up feature was not enabled (!!).
Yes, I meant that OOo as an app crashed - spontaneously closed. When she went to reopen OOo, she agreed to the recovery option and the earlier version was recovered while her work was lost (she was trying to save it when the app crashed).

I have since found out (after searching and joining a couple of other mailing lists) that the data is inevitably dead and gone ... at least as far as OOo is concerned. I have now adjusted the auto back-up to every 5 minutes and a back-up will be created. I have also been advised to save the file in native *.odt before trying to save it as *.doc . Apparently OOo document recovery function isn't much good - i.e. not reliable - and one is warned to stay away from it. I have also come across some discussion that one should uninstall the distro-version of OOo and install the native version.

Anyway, there's not much to do now. Why OOo crashed and why the recovery didn't ...  will probably never know. Was a right royal PITA I can tell you - for both of us!


"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

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