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Re: "I do consider Ubuntu to be Debian" , Ian Murdock

Am 2007-03-20 00:02:20, schrieb Carl Fink:
> Using.  Not developing.
> I run Etch on my home box (the one I'm typing on now) but for servers it
> isn't always practical to use Testing, and that means you can almost never
> use a currently-in-production server with Debian, unless you want to
> hand-compile at the very least a kernel.
> CentOS was much easier for me as an admin.

I do not know, what are you smoking, but RedHat, nor Ubuntu or CentOS
will fit the needs for my Currently-In-Production-Server!

The half of libraries and packages are missing there!

I run on ALL production servers now Etch, since the current RC bugs do
not hit me!

Some rare software like the PostgreSQL 8.2 is handcompiled and packed
for my own use (I will ask the <pkg-postgresql-public> when they include
it into Debian)

But I do not see any Software which require to push a WHOLE production
into UNSTABLE only for one package.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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