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Re: "I do consider Ubuntu to be Debian" , Ian Murdock

Am 2007-03-26 18:44:54, schrieb Owen Heisler:
> In other words: in Debian, stability and quality is prioritized over
> timely releases.  Which is good.  (I will be patient.)  And really, is
> there any other distribution that supports as many packages and
> architectures?

        | Rel |    Date          | Source | Binary
Sid     |     | never            |  11001 |  19515
Lenny   | 4.1 | maybe in ...     |  ????? |  ?????
Etch    | 4.0 | when it is ready |  10228 |  18052
Sarge   | 3.1 | 2005/05          |   8728 |  15196
Woody   | 3.0 | 2002/07/20       |   5218 |   8273
Potato  | 2.2 | 2000/08/14       |   2647 |   3889
Slink   | 2.1 | 1999/03/17 (r2)  |   1580 |   2269
Hamm    | 2.0 | 1998/09/28 (r2)  |   1115 |   1524
Bo      | 1.3 | 1997/07/02       |    773 |    980
Rex     | 1.2 | ????             |    586 |    ???
Buzz    | 1.1 | 1996/06/12       |    403 |    477

Only counting "main" and so I do not think, there is NOT a
bigger Distribution as Debian!  Hey, 27 times more Source-
Packages af for arround 11 years!

I have local full mirrors of all releases and now seeking
for ORIGINAL Debian-CD's for Buzz, Rex, Bo, Hamm and Potato,
since they are not more on the mirrors.

Also I am searching for the Binaries for REX!!!

Buzz I have already gotten.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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