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Re: migrating old mail from thunderbird to icedove

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Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> Joe Hart wrote:
>> After this long and irrelevant story, do you have your mail back or do
>> we need to troubleshoot it further?
>> Joe
> Interesting experience. Thanks for sharing it.
> However, I still have the same problem : When I start icedove, it brings up
> the "account wizard" instead of seeing the already existing accounts.
> raju

I know why.  The default mail directory and your mail directory are not
the same.  The easy fix is to put your mail somewhere else (like
/home/raju/mail then adjust the profile.ini file to not use a relative
path and to use specifically that directory.

The problem comes because thunderbird generates a random name for the
directory where the mail sits.  The directory structure should look
something like this:

joe@lr32:/media/share/Mail$ ls -p
abook.mab          install.log     prefs.js
cert8.db           key3.db         reminderfox/
compatibility.ini  Local Folders/  secmod.db
compreg.dat        localstore.rdf  signature.txt
cookies.txt        Mail/           signature.txt~
downloads.rdf      mailViews.dat   signons.txt
extensions/        mimeTypes.rdf   training.dat
extensions.cache   News/           virtualFolders.dat
extensions.ini     panacea.dat     xpti.dat
extensions.rdf     persdict.dat    XUL.mfasl
history.mab        pgprules.xml    xul.mfl

Not all of the files are needed, but most of them are.  Of course
reminderfox/ is an extension that I use, so wouldn't likely be there for

Notice there is a Mail folder inside the Mail directory.  This is where
the messages are really stored.

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