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Re: Postgresql on Debian

On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 09:40:38AM +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> I didn't know about stow or installwatch.  I always use checkinstall.
> It seems I learn more about Debian every day :)  so many choices...
Ahhh, choices :-)

The checkinstall package actually depends on installwatch and uses it as
the underlying mechanism.  It is useful if you want to install from
source, but don't necessarily want to create some sort of package (.deb
or .rpm) from the install.

The thing that I really like about stow is that I can have side-by-side
installs of different versions of the same package or the same package
compiled different ways (wxWdigets is a good example of this).



Roberto C. Sánchez

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