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Re: What do I use to reconfigure the network /after/ initial install on Etch?

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 10:05:25PM +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> > What is the point of having all info stored in plain text files if one
> > is supposed to only use tools to edit them?  They might as well be
> > binary.  Or is it perhaps so other tools can easily read them?
> I still would like to hear your answer (or anyone else's opinion) to
> this however.
companies like MS have binary files. These are not human editable thus
you have no choice. From my experiece, Most files that have debian
tools, have a basic sceanario where you use a tool to edit them up until
a cetain point. Past that, its up to you to take over. But when I
upgrade certain things like my exim4, I use the diff option to see what
changed, then I edit the $FILE.new and add my changed based upon the
$FILE, then I finish and I can add my changes to the new file.
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