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Re: Nothing works

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Teilhard Knight wrote:
> Hello:
> I am new to Linux and I recently installed Debian Sarge for my 64 bit
> machine. After the installation, and choosing KDE as my GUI, I find
> essentially that nothing works in the distro. I have decided to ask for
> your
> help one issue at a time.
> The first, and most annoying thing is that the maximum resolution I am
> allowed is 800x600. I have a Nvidia Geoforce3 graphics card and a
> Multiscan CPD-G220R Sony monitor. When the installation program asked me
> for what
> driver to install for my graphics card I chose "nv", which I have used
> before and works. Also, when configuring the X environment I supplied
> the horizontal and vertical refresh rates of my monitor. So, I would
> appreciate
> if you could help me to set the resolution at least at 1024x768. Thanks.
> Teilhard.

1) There is no official 64-bit version of sarge, so either you're
running the port, or you're running 32-bit.

2) It sounds to me like your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file needs to be edited
to support the resolution you want.  You can have this file regenerated
by running:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

or if you feel brave, you can edit it by hand.

You might also want to consider installing etch instead of sarge.  There
is a AMD64 version available that will give you true 64-bits and will
most likely better recognize your hardware.

3)  To say that nothing works is a misnomer, because if nothing worked
at all you wouldn't get past the first stage of boot.

The people here can help you get your system working, but you do need to
be specific about what exactly is broken.


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