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Re: After apt-get -f install

Kurt Petersen wrote:

After deborphan I deleted a library. The error message recommended
"apt-get -f install".

After that I got a lot of
dpkg: error processing mon (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postfix-mysql:
 postfix-mysql depends on postfix; however:
  Package postfix is not configured yet.
 postfix-mysql depends on postfix (= 2.3.8-2); however:
  Package postfix is not configured yet.

These packages ARE configured and work fine.

How to get rid of these messages when updating the system with

Maybe your problem have not relation with the libraries deleted, which libraries did you deleted? But in the other way, you just can remove the package postfix-mysql and all his dependencies and then install again these packages.


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