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Re: Bug in acroread?

Joe Hart wrote:

Amazing. OT threads covering abortion, religion, politics etc. ad
nauseum persist for weeks with hardly a complaint, and this guy asks a
question which is actually more or less on topic, and he gets chastized.

In answer, I have not noticed that. Normally, if I select reverse

I just gave it a try, and I found that the flag cannot be turned
off once selected. The check goes away, but the printing is
still in reverse. The next time printing is requested, the check
is back. This may be an interaction with the code which prevents
reverse printing when selecting the even pages only, so two-pass
double-sided printing works properly.

order print, then I want it to stay that way, and have not as a
consequence had that problem. I'm doing some stuff which precludes
trying a test right now, but when I've got some time I'll give it
a try.


Chastised?  No.... not at all.  It is just that we cannot help with
proprietary software because we can't see the code to fix it.

His question related to whether it might be peculiar to him,
or whether it was related to Acroread for Linux. That is certainly a
reasonable question. If he is the only one it happens to, then that is
information which will help the Adobe people.

I asked him to try open source software that can be debugged.  Barring
doing that, take his problem to the vendor.

Perhaps my wording was a bit harsh.  Sometimes I do that.  I apologize
if I offended anyone.

I'm not offended. OTOH, if you find this one little post to be
OT enough to warrant a comment, then why aren't you shouting down
the other abusers here who rant on and on about abortion, politics,
religion, etc.?

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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