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Re: Bug in acroread?

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Mike McCarty wrote:
> Joe Hart wrote:
>> judd@wadsworth.org wrote:
>>>     I doubt that this is specific to debian, but has anyone noticed
>>> this bug in acroread?  I've noticed that if I print pages in reverse, I
>>> can't print in the forward direction until I quit the program and
>>> restart it.
>> What happens when you use ghostview to print the same pdf?  Or KPDF if
>> you use KDE?  Those are _supported_ pdf viewers, while acroread is
>> proprietary.
>> Perhaps you should take this up with Adobe, since they are the only ones
>> that can fix it.
> Amazing. OT threads covering abortion, religion, politics etc. ad
> nauseum persist for weeks with hardly a complaint, and this guy asks a
> question which is actually more or less on topic, and he gets chastized.
> In answer, I have not noticed that. Normally, if I select reverse
> order print, then I want it to stay that way, and have not as a
> consequence had that problem. I'm doing some stuff which precludes
> trying a test right now, but when I've got some time I'll give it
> a try.
> Mike

Chastised?  No.... not at all.  It is just that we cannot help with
proprietary software because we can't see the code to fix it.

I asked him to try open source software that can be debugged.  Barring
doing that, take his problem to the vendor.

Perhaps my wording was a bit harsh.  Sometimes I do that.  I apologize
if I offended anyone.


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