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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 01:09:37AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Steve Lamb wrote:
> > 
> > Is it really a return?  Tell me Paul, since in your previous message
> > you touted "testing into the proper grade level" one would presume you're
> > educated.  Tell me what's the difference between profit and profit margin?
> > Furthermore, can you guess why I'm asking?
> Yes, I can tell the difference.  I think your assumption is based on the
> idea OPEC isn't profitting massively.
Wow.  You really don't get it.

They sit on a high-demand commoditity, which is in declining supply.
They also spend billions to excract, refine, transport and sell it.
They *should* be profitting massively.

Now, please demonstrate that you have a semblance of a clue, go read
Wikipedia about profit and profit margin.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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