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Re: Debian on ancient machines

Am 2007-02-21 13:39:46, schrieb Matthew K Poer:
> I have a Thinkpad 600: ~5.5 gig HDD, 196mb RAM, and a P2. 

..and if you look in the header of my Messages you will find
something like <tp570.private....>  :-)  It is an IBM TP570,
P2/366 with 192 MB no CD a/Floppy, ultra light running Sarge
with fvwm, OpenOffice, Mozilla, Gaim, mutt...

> I use Debian Sarge, currently, and Gnome. 
> KDE and Gnome both run, but a bit slow. If you want more responsiveness,
> try Xfce. Xfce 3.3 (Sarge) was really much faster on these low
> resources, but I use Gnome because it's easier to use, even though it
> takes approx 60 seconds to load after logging in via GDM.


> Now, I dig DSL for what it is: a quick, slick, bootable OS. But I prefer
> Debian if I'm installing to my HDD. There are more packages available,
> and you already have all of your GNU tools and such.


> The biggest problem with this computer is using OpenOffice, which is
> just slow on the resources given. Gnome Office apps open much more
> quickly.

If I am at customers, I have the need for OOo too, but is very rare.

> I love my old computer with Debian, and I wouldn't trade it for a slick
> Dell running XP or Vista any day.


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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