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Re: Download cd-iso images

On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:57:44 -0500
Curt Howland <Howland@priss.com> wrote:

> Jigdo has never worked for me.

Odd, that. I don't use it a whole lot, but it has worked for me
the couple of times I've downloaded etch DVD disk #1 images. I usually,
but not always, get appreciable throughput (have a DSL connection).

ftp can be slow if you're ftp'ing to a slow link. Of all the ftp sites
that comprise ftp.us.debian.org (and it is not just one, of course)
there are slow places and there are fast places. There will be times
(and there has been IME) when the site picked when you ftp to
ftp.us.debian.org isn't too fast or is too clogged.

Bittorrent works too, but it is subject to popularity, age, and just how
many people are seeding. At least jigdo has the *potential* of being
just as fast (if not faster) than bittorrent because it doesn't depend
on the same external factors as bittorrent (i.e., who's seeding and how
fast). And since each "packet" of files is individually downloaded and
checksummed in- dependently of the others, and likely from a different
ftp site each time, it spreads the load from the machines that are
already in place to distribute the files.

> Curt-

David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
dfox@tsoft.com                            change magnetic patterns
dfox@m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com               on your hard disk.

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