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Re: VMware Workstation Module Compilation (etch)

Thanks for the letters from Liam and Greg!

  greg> http://ftp.cvut.cz/vmware/vmware-any-any-update108.tar.gz

Could you (or someone) please explain the step-by-step sequence to
apply the above patch to install VMware-workstation-5.5.1-19175 on

Here's what I just did:

  o  Made sure that I had the correct "linux-headers" installed

  o  Ran ./vmware-installer.pl up until the point it had
     the "header file" problems

     (Note that I couldn't *first* apply the patch since /etc/vmware
     doesn't exist until at least a partial vmware install has been done.)

  o  Once I got the "header file" error, I used Control-Z to suspend
     the install script.  I then applied the above patch with
     ./runme.pl, and allowed it to go ahead and do the vmware config.
  o  The modules built (with some warnings), 

  o  I then killed the suspended install script

  o  Tried to run 'vmware'

It didn't work ... 'vmware' won't run (missing libraries, etc).

Sorry for being so dense ... 


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