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Re: Woody on 486 problem

Mirko Scurk wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
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On 02/15/07 19:31, Mike McCarty wrote:
Mirko Scurk wrote:
Add some RAM, getting at least 32MB and preferable 64MB.
I have successfully run Knoppix (Debian based) on a
machine with 32MB, but it isn't nice.

Even better, perhaps, would be DSL, which I have run on a
486 class machine with only 16MB of RAM.

NB: Text only mode, no GUI.
I was just *waiting* for someone to open the door and let us
greybeards play "remember when"!!!

Remember when Win95 ran well with 16MB RAM?  (Shame on you!!)

Actually it was win95, and the necessity to reinstall it every few months that stimulated me to venture into the world of open source software, where I have comfortably resided ever since. Additionally, xp has had a similar effect on a few other people I know, so windows can't be all that bad :)

Remember when OS/2 ran *great* with 16MB RAM?

That was not my opinion of it at all.


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