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getting svn to work in etch...

Dear Debianists,

I am trying to compile a program called ascend that lives in sourceforge.net.

There is a svn repository for it.....

One of the developers told me that if I type

svn co https://pse.cheme.cmu.edu/svn/ascend/code/branches/extfn .

at the terminal then I should be able to fetch the files I need to do the compilation.

I tried it but I got

svn: command not found at the terminal prompt.

Maybe svn is not installed in a standard desktop install of etch (AMD64)...

Or maybe it lives somewhere like /sbin where the whereis command can't see it.

I looked in Synaptic and there are no svn packages that have been installed.... But I am not sure which one I should install to do this.

Suggestions welcome.

I am going to try and compile the program to run under AMD64. If it works then I would be interested to figure out how to make a Debian package out of it.
A pointer to a documentation guide to this would be helpful.


Michael Fothergill

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