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Re: [Fwd: Re: Writer Processor (was Re: Ubuntu vs. Debian ...)]

Miles Fidelman wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

What do you need in a WP?  Academic features (formal citations,
embedded graphics, TOC, index, etc), movie/theater formating,
something I haven't thought of?

Just to add another voice. Some of us have to exchange documents with people who use Word - particularly in work settings, and features like change tracking, integrating data from excel, and such are important. Yes, you can do a lot of that in Open Office, but it never works that cleanly. (I just left a company where half the company uses Word, the other half uses OO, and pulling documents together always turns out to be incredibly painful).

Thanks for getting us out of that thread. Yes, that's what we're dealing with here. She use's Word at the office. I suppose she could send an RTF home, but that's not really a good solution. She also isn't allowed to install software on her machine for security reasons, so getting her to use other software at work is impossible. I can't even send her certain types of attachments because they get filtered out by her mail server.

Personally, I don't need all of the features in either Word or Writer, and as was suggested earlier, I might do with just a good text editor. From what I have seen of Kword, it looks good. I've spent so much time lately studying about GNU/Linux that I have had no time to write anything more than e-mails, and that brings us back to the IceDove/Thunderbird issue that started this.

What it boils down to is that I use GNU/Linux all the time. She uses it when she wants to surf, but if she needs to do work, she reboots into Windows and uses Word and Excel (in Dutch). I can't handle the Dutch version of either one of them, so I was using OO on the Windows side long before I made the full time switch to Linux.

We can live with this situation with the word processing, but the e-mail is frustrating. I wonder if anyone can port IceDove to use QT instead of GTK. The dialog boxes annoy me. I managed to get IceWeasel to use the KDE File Dialog, but I don't know how to get IceDove to do it. I also don't like how it forgets which format to show the messages in.

We all have pet peeves.


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