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Re: News Flash

Wackojacko wrote:

Maybe this has something to do with it


Could be. OTOH, The entire population of Norway is less than
that of most of the larger cities in the USA. If France and
Germany join in, then maybe things will heat up. The whole
fight of the entertainment industries' against digital technology
is very reminiscent of the fight back in the 1920s when the
RIAA fought vehemently against radio stations being able to
play music over the air. This was perceived to be an imminent
and pernicious threat to the recording industry, and the RIAA
fought tooth and nail to try to prevent it. Today, every new
recording is immediately provided to radio stations in the
hopes that they will be played on air.

What I want to see happen is removing the restrictions of
making backup copies of my DVDs and prohibiting me from
playing them outside of my own "region". To me, this is
clearly not what copyright is or should be about. If I buy
a single copy of something, I should be able to protect my
investment in that one copy by making a single backup.
Law allows that, but then allows the manufacturer to
prevent it.

Oppose globalization and other One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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