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Re: self-built kernel causing boot problems

Roman Stöckl-Schmidt wrote:
Thanks for your answer bob. Now there's only two problems remaining. First, my internet connection still isn't working, but I see I'll have to go investigate on this one but 2nd you might be able to help me with.

my usb hdd, /dev/sda on the standard and sdb on my self-built kernel is fat32 or vfat in linux-speech and apparently I've neither found a way to set/change the label on vfat nor would mount care if I could afaik from what I've read on the net. Any ideas on this one?

Cheers, Roman.


For DOS fat based filesystems, you need to install a DOS tool set such as mtools or dosfstools.

The mtools includes 'mlabel' to add a DOS label to an existing device. The documentation describes how to set this up.

The dosfstools has a 'mkdosfs' command to create a DOS filesystem and it has a '-n' option to provide a 'name' (label).

In either case, in /etc/fstab, you use the same LABEL=labelname and the VFAT specific mount command is smart enough to do the right thing.


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