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Re: ssh med deres netværkinstallation

On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 03:43:13PM +0100, Dennis Larsen wrote:

> Jeg er ny inden for linux, og jeg tænkte jeg ville prøve debian. så jeg
> hentede netværksinstallation på 190 mb.

That is a minimal installation CD. To get a fully working system, you
need to download the rest from internet.
> Da jeg nu en gang bor på et kollegie, så skal jeg have en SSH forbindelse,
> for at jeg kan komme på nettet, men det kan jeg ikke da der ikke er en ssh
> driver i denne installation.

I doubt that you can finish the installation through a ssh tunnel any

What you need to do is getting a full installation CD (~650MB). 

> Hvilken jeg synes er lidt mærkelig.

After you have finished the installation, you will find that a ssh client
is a part of the distribution.

BTW, this is an mailinglist in English. If you are going to post more
questions, please write in English. You will definately get sooner and
more respones that way.


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