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Killing a process that doesn't exist!?

Hi everyone,

I have a script that I normally run (called "extract.sh") but can't seem to run it today because everytime I run it, it says that it's already running :| , but if I do "ps -ef | grep extract", nothing shows up.  The log file, however, tells a different story:

Fri Jan 12 08:03:01 EST 2007, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract.sh is already running, pid: 29669
Fri Jan 12 08:05:29 EST 2007, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract.sh is already running, pid: 270
Fri Jan 12 08:05:53 EST 2007, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract.sh is already running, pid: 277
Fri Jan 12 08:08:09 EST 2007, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract.sh is already running, pid: 1054
Fri Jan 12 08:16:41 EST 2007, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extract.sh is already running, pid: 2154

Every time I try to run the script, a new entry shows up in the log file telling me that extract.sh is already running, each time with a different pid.  I've tried "kill -9 PID" with the PIDs that showed up in the log file, but it doesn't help.  Does anybody know what to do in such a situation?  (btw, a reboot is the very very very last thing we want to do here as it's on a production machine and it would cause a lot of problems)

Thanks in advance!


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