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Hi guys,

I'm having a problem with the installation of vsftp.

I'm getting a weird error (500 oops...). When googeling for this
error, I found that a

"modprobe capability" helps to fix this error.

Since I'm quite new to Linux, I'm wondering if there's a possibility
that "capability" gets loaded automatically so that I don't have to
manually call "modprobe capability" after every system-boot.

Could somebody please let me know how this is done or where I could look it up?

I'm running Edge, BTW.


what's puzzlin' you, is the nature of my game
gpgp-fp: 79A84FA526807026795E4209D3B3FE028B3170B2
gpgp-key available @ http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371

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