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Re: is this fair comment?????

On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 09:41:32 AM +1100, M-L (rose_snug@bigpond.com)

> When I went to the site, it did say "Spread the Word" So I assume
> you're moving off the subject for a reason?

I'm am not 100% sure I understand your answer, but I _believe_ you are
referring to the "spread the word - digg this story" little box in the
linux-watch.com page. If not, please explain what else you had in

If I guessed correctly, and you do refer to that box, it is absolutely
obvious (from common practice, common sense and the legal notices on
the page) that reposting to a public mailing list a whole article,
rather than spreading its URL and title / abstract is the WRONG way to
spread the word:

* it is clearly illegal because it violates the notice in the page
* there is no need for it because the whole original article is
  readable for free with any browser
* reading it on the website rewards the author/editor through
  advertising, reading it here doesn't

* for subscribers with a metered connection, the less bytes they get
  through a mailing list the better.

As far as "moving off the subject for a reason" is concerned... well,
here's a piece discussing how to make Debian development more
financially substainable... announced in a way that makes less
financially substainable, for that website, to continue providing
information at no cost for readers.

I'm sure it was done in perfectly good faith and without intention to
harm anybody, but it just struck me as funny or weird, to put it this
way. That's it, really.


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