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Any recommendations on a network monitoring tool?

Hi all

On a FreeBSD system I was running some time ago I used ntop [0] as a
networking monitoring tool for my web server's bandwidth. It was a
brilliant application with the only exception(flaw) in that it would
remove all the stats collected, with the exception of a few, each time
you restarted the application.

I figured out a way to dump the data and then import it into a mysql
db but in doing so i ended up with a whole bunch of zombie processes
which I would then have to kill manually every so often.

While I could use ntop and the customised version on my debian system
I have to ask if there is a better way or application for me to
monitor the network stats of my ethernet interfaces and store that
data for as long as I need?
Justin Hartman
PGP Key ID: 102CC123

[0] http://www.ntop.org/

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