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Re: Debian Installation

reload, don't choose the desktop option
at the super cli type this in:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install x-window-system-core
apt-get install x-window-system
apt-get install gnome


Danesh Daroui wrote:
Hi all,

I am an Ubuntu (Debian's kid) lover who has decided recently to port some of my work on Debian. I have downloaded minimal CD of Debian's latest version. Everything seems to go fine, but when the installation is done, the X-Server can be run and the OS just stays in text mode without GUI. There is also a log file which has been created after several attempts to run X-Server but it is messy enough. Can anybody help? Also, I feel very unconformable with KDE while I love GNOME, but the Debian installer didn't ask me anywhere if I want GNOME or KDE. I saw also that it has downloaded packages from both KDE and GNOME. How can I specifically chose GNOME as windows handler?



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