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Re: bulk mailer

* David E. Fox <dfox@m206-157.dsl.tsoft.com> [061212 22:00]:
> On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:58:36 -0600
> "Russell L. Harris" <rlharris@oplink.net> wrote:
> > So now I'm intimidated.  I'm thinking that perhaps that it would be
> > better to use Mutt with an alias list.
> Or even:
> $ for i in `cat recipients`
> do
>   mail -s "Weekly study"  $i < study_this_week_file
>   sleep 2
> done
> I took that approach years ago for sending a message to a number of
> recipients. It worked pretty well, just need your 'recipients' file to
> be a file with the addresses, one per line. 
> And you can make a crontab for this too.

Thank you, David; that appears to be an excellent solution.  I like it.

I have not verified by experiment, but it appears that a problem with
using Mutt and an alias list is that the alias list, which is
delimited by comma and space (perhaps the space is optional), needs to
be a single line, and that may cause a buffer overflow in the case of
many addresses.


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