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Please help me, My problem is when I leave the Laptop ON but with the screen close for a few hours. After a few hours when I open the screen the temperature is around the 65 C when the normal temperature is around the 47~49. If I run 'atop' I also see that Xorg is using 99% of the cpu, see below: PID SYSCPU USRCPU VGROW RGROW USERNAME NTHRD STATUS S CPU CMD 1/21 5346 475m14s 565m38s 294.6M 157.8M root 1/L N-- S 99% Xorg

then after a few minutes of use, the "cpu use" down again to something between 0~16% and the temp to something around the 47~51 C.
What is the problem? Why it is happens ??
By the way I haven't any screen server.

 Thank you,
     Gustavo Halperin

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