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Re: dchroot with sid

Willie Wonka <floydstestemail@yahoo.com> writes:

> Owen Heisler wrote:
>> As a workarround, you can set the SU_NO_SHELL_ARGS environment variable
>> before calling dchroot, or execute
>>         dchroot -- -c "command"
>> instead of
>>         dchroot -- command
>> ___
>> And you say write a script, so I put the following in ~/go
>> ___
>> #!/bin/bash
>> dchroot -d -c unstable ls
>> ___
>> but I get the same error when I run "./go".

Hi, I'm the schroot/dchroot maintainer.  I missed the initial
question, but I'd just like to note that

- the dchroot behaviour had an unintentional backward-incompatible
  change in the options parsing and command execution.  This has since
  been corrected; it's currently waiting in NEW and should enter sid
  in a week or so.  In the meantime, it's available from


- schroot allows any number of command-line options, e.g.

  $ schroot -c chroot -- foo --opt1 --opt2 bar baz

- dchroot allows a single command, but invokes it automatically via
  "sh -c":

  $ dchroot -c chroot "foo --opt1 --opt2 bar baz"

The schroot syntax (which dchroot in sid is transiently using) is
rather more flexible, but if you want the dchroot semantics just
requires '-- sh -c "command"' instead of 'command'.

> Isn't the syntax in that original command, you posted from the bug report
> actually telling the command dchroot to *ignore* any following 'options', by
> using the ' -- '  syntax, just after the command...IOW
> Doesn't this;
>>         dchroot -- -c "command"
> mean: dchroot, ignore options that follow, then pass to it the -c
> option (which it may ignore?), then "command".?

This would mean run the "-c" program with "command" as the first
option (!).  Probably not quite what is desired.

> I only ask b/c, I've learned (from lurking about usenet) that this
> is one trick that's used to remove filenames that begin with a '-'
> (hyphen), when using the 'rm' command.

Yes.  It's used here so that dchroot/schroot can distinguish between
options for themselves and options for the program you want to run.
For example,

schroot ls -l


schroot -- ls -l

are different.  With the former, schroot gets the "-l" option, but
with the latter ls gets it.

BTW, any dchroot/schroot questions are welcome on the
buildd-tools-devel mailing list.


Roger Leigh
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