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Re: Bash socket /dev/tcp

On 7/3/06, amateur <ztl.post@gmail.com> wrote:
IMHO, /dev/tcp/localhost/80 is just a virtual device specific to bash.
Or you can think it as a abstract name. It doesn't really exist on the
filesystem. So you can't use cat to access this file. It can only be
read/written by bash. Like this:

        $ less < /dev/tcp/localhost/80

It surely exists on other system, but Debian bash package is compiled
with --disable-net-redirections.

Why is bash configured with --disable-net-redirections?

       It can produce completely unexpected results. This kind of
       feature should not be part of a shell but a special. tool. And
       that tool has existed for years already, it's called netcat.

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