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Re: OT: Politics [Was:Social Contract]

On May 1, 2006, at 8:54 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Monday 01 May 2006 14:29, Steve Lamb wrote:
Matthias Julius wrote:
So there are people without children who pay for public education.
This means the average parent who has kids in a public school is
paying less than what he would have to if he had to pay it all by

Yes, because the childless person just doesn't need that money at all. Nope. They exist solely to subsidize the lifestyle choices of those with

You directly benefit (even without kids) by being surrounded by (relatively) educated people. Just like freeways: While bicycles may be allowed on most of them, odds are bicyclists are paying for miles of urban freeway that is closed to bicycles. Is it fair that people who get around by bicycle on roads that, in many states they have a constitutional right to ride on, have
to pay for freeways that you have to earn the priveledge of a driver's
license to use? Yes, because odds are they indirectly benefit by the freeway being there by the availability of goods that would otherwise be stuck at the rail depot, seaport, or entirely different city without urban freeways.

Er...they also VOTE!

I, for one, definitely prefer an educated electorate to an ignorant one. It's kinda' important, even though all indications are that emotional arguments usually win.

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