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Re: locked out from gdm - input field greyed out

On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 22:07 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote:

> The package management system will still think that these files are
> there, so your system will be in an inconsistent state. That might cause
> problems if you ever reinstall gdm. (I think the installation scripts
> will check if the config files are really there, but I am not 100%
> certain.) In general it is better to let the package management system
> handle these things and thus take advantage of the fact that everything
> fits together so well in Debian.
> You can use dpkg to see the status of any package, e.g. "dpkg -l gdm".
> The Debian Reference has a nice introduction to all this:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-system.en.html#s-pkg-basics
> (The whole document is well worth a glance and can save you a lot of
> time and effort.)
> Regards,
>              Florian

Great. All cleaned up nicely.

Kind Regards,

Linux User #398054

-Foresight Linux- -Ubuntu- -Debian (Sarge)-

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